Over The Moon! Session Info...

Hi...I'm Jenny.  My photography style is on-location and natural light. I am located in Utah County.  I take a limited number of session each month.  If you would like more information and pricing or want to set an appointment please feel free to email me at jennyjenmiller@gmail.com.  

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

TAG!! I was tagged....

Heather tagged me....so here goes!
(A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, and then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know that hey have been tagged and that they should read your blog.)

10 years ago.....To the day? I broke up with my boyfriend (hubby) and told him I needed some time to figure out what I was going to do with my life....He then called me on Valentine's Day, asked me out and proposed! (what part of this says breaking up???) I was a mess at that point...so I said I would get back to him....(nice!) On the 15th of Feb I finally said YES! and have never regretted that decision. In fact I still have "what if" nightmares....Let's just say that I made the best decision of my life this week 10 years ago!

5 things on my to-do list today...#1 Put away the laundry (I always seem to get it folded just not put away!) #2 Order some photos for a client #3 Help the kiddos get their Valentines ready for tomorrow. #4 Take a thank you gift to my friend. #5 Reorganize my house after baby doll has removed everything from it's proper place! Wait there's more.....LOL

snacks that I enjoy....I love almonds! I love that pumpkin seed flax granola from Costco with Yoplait yogart....yummy! I love oranges....or mangos...or watermelon...or fresh pineapple...or papaya...ohhh I am missing summer! I don't know if you can count it for a snack...but I am a sucker for homemade goodies....yes, cookies, brownies, cinnamon rolls, cake..you name it...It doesn't stand a chance just sitting on my counter!

What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire....Well isn't that a fun thought! Hmmmm....I would invest a bunch...and then I think I would buy my dream house on a couple acres of property. It would have to have a view and room for the boys to run and fruit trees and a green house to grow my little organic veges and herbs all year round! Oh yeah...and it must have an indoor sports court for my 4 boys to play and practice all their favorite sports...Then....I would take my little family all around the world on little trips and let them experience the bigger picture of life. And I with the rest I would be a philanthropist and pay it forward.

3 of my bad habits are....#1 Letting the baby stay in PJ's all day...#2 Picking at my nails #3 Waiting till the last minute to do something...opps!

5 places I have lived... #1 Grew up in Utah #2 Lived in Rexburg Idaho and Provo Utah for undergrad. #3 Lived in Fiji for a 18 months as a missionary for my church. #4 Lived in Idaho Falls as a newlywed. #5 Lived in St. Louis Missouri for 4 years for my husbands doctorate degree. and now I am back to Utah....

5 things most people don't know about me...#1 I love all the arts....I love to sing, ballroom dance, play the piano, and go to the theatre. #2 I used to work for a radio station writing ads and producing commercials. My biggest client was a ....funeral home...lol #3 I graduated from BYU in Elementary Education. (still use it every day!) #4 I love cooking and I am in love with food network. #5 I would love to write a children's book one day to have published...

Ok....I sent you a note if you are tagged...


ryan. heather. macie. millie. February 14, 2008 at 12:01 AM  

So I am so glad that you did it! THANKS!!! I learned a lot about you & it was great to read! You're the best & let me know when you want me to do your hair! :) I owe ya!

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